
Capital District Times

Monday, February 24, 2025

CITY OF TROY, NY: Mayor Madden Proposes Parking Ticket Amnesty Program

Parking ticket amnesty proposal news release 1170x659

City of Troy, NY issued the following announcement on July 16.

Mayor Madden today announced a proposal to offer a Parking Ticket Amnesty program for outstanding parking tickets issued by the City. The program is proposed to run beginning August 1st through September 15th, and will offer a one-time reduction on open parking violations.

Parking violations issued by the city between January 1, 2015 and February 29, 2020 would be reduced 50%. Any parking tickets issued between March 2, 2020 and June 30, 2020 would be reduced to $25.00. Individuals with outstanding parking tickets that qualify for the amnesty program would receive a letter via mail with instructions regarding payment options.

Mayor Madden said, “We’re pleased to propose a parking ticket amnesty program to encourage individuals with previously issued unpaid violations and penalty fees to resolve tickets at a reduced rate. This is a limited opportunity, and we encourage anyone with outstanding parking tickets to watch for instructions on participating in the program this summer.”

Due to the national health emergency, City Hall remains closed to the public, and payments will be unable to be made in-person. All payments through the program must be made online or by mail. Individuals with outstanding parking tickets that qualify for the amnesty program will receive a letter via mail with instructions regarding payment options.

The mayor’s proposed parking ticket amnesty program is currently pending approval by the City Council during their Thursday, July 23rd meeting.


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Press Contact:

John Salka, Deputy Director of Public Information

John.Salka@troyny.gov / (518) 279-7131

Original source can be found here.