City of Troy, NY issued the following announcement on Oct. 9.
Proposed 2021 Spending Plan Below State-Mandated Tax Cap, Preserves Essential Services, Includes No Layoffs, Implements “Pay-As-You-Throw” Solid Waste Collection Program, Improvements to Parks & Recreational Amenities
1.69% Property Tax Increase Proposed for 2021, Equating to Average Monthly Increase of $3.10 for Home & Property Owners
Youth Services, Parks, and Neighborhood Investments Primary Focus of 2021 Proposed Budget
Fourth Consecutive Budget Proposal Under State Tax Cap
Mayor Madden: Covid-19 Health Emergency Continues to Have Major Impact on City Budget; Spending Plan Accounts for Unanticipated Financial Challenges, Maintains Necessary Investments in Neighborhoods, Parks, Facilities
TROY, NY – Highlighting the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on local municipalities like Troy across the country, Mayor Patrick Madden today released the Collar City’s Proposed 2021 Budget. The $75.8M plan proposes a 1.69% property tax increase for the upcoming 2021 fiscal year (average monthly increase of $3.10 for homeowners with a home valued at $150,000). It is the fourth consecutive spending plan under the state-mandated tax cap.
The administration’s FY-2021 budget proposal preserves essential services & staffing levels, continues investments in neighborhood initiatives, includes an additional litter patrol officer to increase enforcement capacity in the Department of General Services, funds additional building demolitions to help fight blight, and invests in the City’s recreational parks, facilities, and infrastructure. The proposal also outlines the financial and operational impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Troy, including the reduction of state aid, departmental revenues, and unanticipated expenditures.
“2020 has been a year like no other,” Mayor Madden added. “The Covid-19 pandemic has put significant stress and strain on our residents, families, and businesses while simultaneously impacting City operations in unforeseen ways. This recommended 2021 budget recognizes and balances the need for fiscal discipline while investing in our neighborhoods, parks, and other areas to address important quality of life issues for our residents.”
Additionally, the 2021 budget proposal includes implementation of a “Pay-As-You-Throw” program for solid waste collection during the 2nd quarter of 2021. The program will help encourage recycling and other waste-reduction initiatives while aligning costs with utilization rates. Implementation of a PAYT system was part of a multi-year comprehensive overhaul of Troy’s municipal solid waste management system.
During the previous four years, the Madden administration took a number of steps to improve the City’s overall financial condition, implementing strong oversight of budgets and scrutinizing department operations to improve efficiencies. While these steps better prepared the City for unanticipated financial issues, the Covid-19 pandemic created a series of new unforeseen challenges, including the loss of revenue and state aid which largely funds daily municipal operations. In response, the 2021 proposed budget was developed with a focus on continuing important quality of life initiatives for Collar City residents.
“State and local governments are crucial parts of the nation’s economy, employing millions of Americans and purchasing goods and services that stimulate economic growth,” added Mayor Madden. “That’s why it’s critical that direct federal aid and assistance is provided to local municipalities who are most directly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. While we remain hopeful that Washington will take action, we have budgeted with the understanding that federal support is not coming. We urge the White House and the United States Senate to act quickly on legislation to shore up local communities who are suffering during this unprecedented public health emergency.”
Other highlights of the 2021 Proposed Budget include:
- Funding in the 2021 Capital Plan for investments in Prospect Park, Frear Park and the Golf Course, Kinloch Park, Beman Park, and several smaller neighborhood pocket parks.
- Creation of Youth Services Specialist position to oversee programming and coordinate with our partners in the city to ensure that our children have access to after school and summer activities in our community. Additional funding was also allocated for youth programs in our Youth Bureau to provide more opportunities for young people in our community.
- Creation of a Health and Safety Coordinator to improve employee safety, training and policy creation to create a safer work place.
- Demolition funding to address blighted properties impacting quality of life in Troy neighborhoods
- Decreased reliance on transfers from the water fund for recurring operational expenses
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John Salka, Deputy Director of Public Information
Original source can be found here.